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This site is named "The Room With A View," because each post focuses on a different viewpoint that we may face on any given day. Gazing out of your window; pondering intently on the situations before you; searching for answers...

I have created this blog as a safe haven for all to come to, so that they may receive guidance regarding some of the issues of life we all face at one time or another. Some of the content may revolve around the more unremitting issues of life, such as worry, heartbreak, patience, faith, and many others. Everyone needs someone who understands from personal experience the trials that life throws at us. 

My focus is to provide insight through the Word of my Savior, Jesus Christ. To incorporate life's dilemmas with the wisdom that has been so graciously handed down to us by the Creator; Yahweh Elohim, Father of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob through none other than the Holy Bible. 


On this site, we discuss how to conquer adversity, where it actually comes from, and how to carry through it. Let's face it; hardship is not meant to be avoided... So, the most realistic way to deal with it is to confront it head-on. I do not believe that any of us are equipped to handle these issues alone; so, it is a very good thing that we don't have to. 


I want my readers to know that Yahweh Elohim, The Most High Creator, is always with them. In the face of misfortune, calamity, and affliction, He will never leave your side. This is a fact that I have come to realize through some very trying times. It is a common misconception that He is farthest away from us when we are hurting, and even that He causes that hurt... I am here to tell you, that there is absolutely no truth to this fallacy whatsoever.  

During your time with me, you will receive prayer, Bible verses, and empathetic words of relief that will hopefully provide you with reassurance that Yahweh Elohim loves you, is always by your side, and has already provided us all with instruction on how to prevail, survive, and live at peace. So, if peace is something you feel is lacking in your life right now, please follow me on this journey; so that I can help to guide you in finding it, once and for all. 

To beat death; is to embrace life... And to embrace death, either means you have conquered life; or life has conquered you. - Amaris The Poet

Hello, And Welcome To My Blog!
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Do your interests include reading poetry, listening to music, and receiving inspiration?

I have provided access to my poetry website through this blog site. You will find that the subjects that are discussed on this blog site are mostly in relation to the experiences that are reflected in my poetry. My poetry is a true-life story of events that have happened to me beginning in the year 2018. I have been through quite a lot in my life, and I feel that these experiences can be beneficial to others who have or are experiencing some of the same issues that have plagued my past. Click on the picture above to see more information about the poetry I have written. 


I appreciate any and all readers who devote their time to reading through the pages of my life. It is extremely important to me that my testimony be heard; as Yahweh has provided me with a story and a gift to share with others who may have had or are currently experiencing something similar. Please join me on my journey through the last few years and know that; there is nothing you cannot do when you have Christ Jesus at the forefront of your life.  I am living proof, and an open book... As long as it can benefit someone in some way, or touch a life. Your time means so much to me, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing it with me!

One personal detail about myself that I would like to share with you, is that I have been celibate for the last 5 years and counting. I have found it a challenge to discover media outlets or video channels that discuss this topic openly. I'm here to let you know that; I do not mind talking about this subject, and you will begin to see more about here on my blog. There are a small number of us who are either considering celibacy, or currently enjoying it. I do feel that it isa lifestyle that more people should look into, and that should be brought to light.

Nevertheless, don't forget... The Bible is the most important source for your soul's nutrition. And my endeavor for you is that you will achieve spiritual healthiness and fitness. My blog is here to serve as a guide to help you find Yahweh Elohim. May He bless you in all that you do. :)

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© Deborah Mosley and poetry,2009-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Deborah Mosley and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.  

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